Are your workers really “suited” for Remote Work?

Like many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic thrust many workplaces into Remote Work Arrangements, suddenly and without a “road map” on how best to navigate this new terrain. Are your best onsite workers still so as they work from home? What about those individuals who...

Take a Crash Course in Knitting

Avid knitters will say that knitting can be a relaxing activity – and who can’t use relaxation in these trying times?  The feel of the yarn, the repetitive knitting motions, and a nice cup of tea or coffee while sitting in a comfy chair, or while watching your...

Wellness Boxes for Your Team Members

While your employees are still grappling with the lockdown lunacy, SnackNation has found a fun and tasty way to lift your employees’ spirits.  SnackNation offers a variety of snack boxes with things like Lime & Cracked Pepper Potato Chips, Berry Nutty Mix, Clif...