Be Prepared: Remote Work Policies and Agreements

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many employers are temporarily allowing their employees to work from home. In some cases, this change occurred swiftly, without having time to develop a Remote Work Policy or Remote Work Agreement. If you have employees working...

Focus on Your Mental Health

As a leader of an organization, taking care of yourself is important so you are equipped to help your employees through this difficult time. Last week, we shared tips on taking care of your physical health. This week, we share tips on how to focus on your mental...

Host a Gratitude Challenge!

Here’s an inspired way to increase levels of optimism and happiness among your remote workers: Take the 21-day Gratitude Challenge by sharing three things you’re grateful for every day with your coworkers. This can be shared in a virtual team meeting, work chat app,...

Considerations for Reopening Your Workplace

There has been a lot of talk in the past week about reopening the economy. Last Thursday, President Trump provided state governors with guidelines on how to reopen their states. He outlined three phases to gradually ease their stay-at-home orders. Governors in at...