COVID-19 Update: California Provides Guidance to Reopening

COVID-19 has given way to new and emerging regulations as the spread of coronavirus continues. California is no stranger to ever-changing employment laws and guidelines. The advancement of this virus has only solidified the need for policies that will decrease exposure and minimize risk of contagion.

California Department of Public Health released the COVID-19 Employer Playbook for a Safe Reopening on July 31. This publication outlines seven requirements for California employers to include in their COVID-19 response plans. Specifically, companies are called to standardize coronavirus prevention processes by creating formalized trainings in:

  • Recognizing COVID-19 symptoms
  • Social distancing
  • Frequent handwashing
  • Enforcing face coverings
  • Encouraging others to abide by the rules
  • Reporting COVID-19 concerns or violations guidelines

In addition to health training, many companies are investing in productivity education. The transition to working-from-home is still an adjustment for many employees.

Businesses aim to prepare and support their employees through virtual coaching. How can you train employees in productivity? The following training topics may be helpful:

  • Stress management
  • Creating productive habits: prioritization and execution
  • Virtual communication
  • How to use common productivity tools
  • Creating a distraction-free environment and increased time management

Training is crucial in fighting the spread of COVID-19, and proper learning in the workforce will help businesses effectively educate and prepare employees to work efficiently during times of pandemic.

As you explore options to meet California training guidelines, here is a recognized and trusted vendor that offers COVID-19 safety training.



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